Wireless output/JRM module project

02 Apr. 2016 21:26 #1 von simonjo
Wireless output/JRM module project wurde erstellt von simonjo

I am currently working on a wireless output/JRM module

Intention is to make it fully compatible with PHC and OpenHC output/JRM modules, so the same commandset

This module is very simple :) and consists out of:
- an ESP8266 CPU with Wifi
- 2 or 4 pushbutton inputs
- 2 or 4 relay outputs
- a 220V-to-5V power module

Attached a prototype photo, on the right the 2 relays, on the left the 2 pushbuttons, in the middle the CPU. The USB cable is for programming and power during development. In the final version this will be replaced with a 220V-to-5V power module.

Still working on a PCB to put things together, but target is you can put it in an "unterputz dose" of about 60x60x50mm

This thing can work in standalone mode, just power it and done.

It can also connect to your wireless LAN, then control it via MQTT from OpenHab or from my MQTT client app. Maybe I can add a binary interface so it can be controlled with xWRC or the xphcextc tool, but this I need to work on.

How much is this costing... hmmm quite expensive, below figures from my current order:
- ESP8266 CPU -> 3,57 euro
- relay shield -> 1,70 euro
- power module -> 2,11 euro

Without PCB this comes to 9,08 euro
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: ansgar75

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04 Apr. 2016 07:27 #2 von Andreas
Andreas antwortete auf Wireless output/JRM module project
Hello Jo,

this is great! I'm also experimenting with ESP8266 and Arduino to expand my OpenHAB installation. I already use MQTT for connecting some sensors (Wireless Temperatur and Humidity, Barometer) and my complete PHC system to OpenHAB. As MQTT is very simple and the integration into OpenHAB is working very good, this is a very good approach.
Unfortunately I have little idea about circuit design or PCB... So I would be glad to hear about your future work.


PHC STM V2, EMD,AMD,JRM und DIM-Module, Wind, Regen und Sonnen-Sensor, Visualisierung mit OpenHAB

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04 Apr. 2016 13:11 #3 von simonjo
simonjo antwortete auf Wireless output/JRM module project
How do you couple the PHC system to OpenHab?

I find OpenHab is missing a pushbutton control, as this is the natural thing used in a domotic system, not a switch.

Tried the mappings with a switch, but a "Toggle" mapping seems to be translated internal in OpenHab to "on" and "off" depending on the state of the switch, which may not be what is actual in the PHC system.

Other mapping do not work, a pitty because I have more functions per input button and I want to keep the OpenHab representation equal with the real hw implementation per button.

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04 Apr. 2016 16:36 - 04 Apr. 2016 16:37 #4 von ansgar75
ansgar75 antwortete auf Wireless output/JRM module project
Hello Jo,

this is very interesting as I currently use ESP8266 modules for some energy monitoring in my home (solar heating).
I'm also using a "Unterputz" module having 1 relay and 230V power supply onboard: ex-store.de/ESP8266-WiFi-Relay-V3

The price is also very interesting: 16,66 € per piece

Maybe you know that module already. Otherwise it will be helpful maybe also for the other users.

Kind regards

Peha PHC V3 seit 2017 (vorher V2 seit 2009) im Neubau - MCC - JRM - EMD - AMD - DIM - UIM - FUI - Module
IP-Symcon Smarthome Software auf Intel NUC mit Ubuntu 20.04LTS (Einbindung von PHC tlw. über Webinterface der V3)
Letzte Änderung: 04 Apr. 2016 16:37 von ansgar75. Begründung: Aktualisierung Preis

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04 Apr. 2016 16:41 #5 von Andreas
Andreas antwortete auf Wireless output/JRM module project
Yes, a pushbutton control is missing, but I do not really need them.
I don't imitate push buttons on my OpenHAB UI. Here I directly switch a light with a normal switch to the state I want.
This is working perfectly because the state of the switches are the state of the outputs.
I also use Rollershutter and Dimmer. The dimmer is also working perfectly with the slider. The Rollershutter is working nearly perfectly. Unfortunately we don't have the current position of a jalousie in PHC...

I have added a screenshot of an example of my living room.

PHC STM V2, EMD,AMD,JRM und DIM-Module, Wind, Regen und Sonnen-Sensor, Visualisierung mit OpenHAB

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04 Apr. 2016 18:46 #6 von simonjo
simonjo antwortete auf Wireless output/JRM module project
Hi Ansgar,

Yes I saw those, but I need 2 relays to drive rolladen... but nice product, I will take a look at it's specs and MQTT interworking.

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04 Apr. 2016 18:48 #7 von simonjo
simonjo antwortete auf Wireless output/JRM module project

Also experimenting with OpenHab, but plan to have a look at Domoticz as wel. Just need some more time, about 30h per day would be fine :)

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04 Apr. 2016 21:57 #8 von Andreas
Andreas antwortete auf Wireless output/JRM module project
Hello Jo,

if the day with 24 hours is too short, then take the night too. :lol:

I think this is the problem we all have together...


PHC STM V2, EMD,AMD,JRM und DIM-Module, Wind, Regen und Sonnen-Sensor, Visualisierung mit OpenHAB

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04 Apr. 2016 22:01 #9 von Andreas
Andreas antwortete auf Wireless output/JRM module project
Hello Ansgar,

ansgar75 schrieb: I'm also using a "Unterputz" module having 1 relay and 230V power supply onboard: ex-store.de/ESP8266-WiFi-Relay-V3

Is the module stable? What about heat?
I think I need to order and test such a module.

P.S. Habe gerade gesehen, dass Du aus Unterschneidheim auf der Ostalb bist. Abtsgmünd ist da nicht soo weit weg davon...

PHC STM V2, EMD,AMD,JRM und DIM-Module, Wind, Regen und Sonnen-Sensor, Visualisierung mit OpenHAB
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: ansgar75

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  • Stay hungry, stay foolish! - Steve Jobs
04 Apr. 2016 23:16 #10 von ansgar75
ansgar75 antwortete auf Wireless output/JRM module project
Hello Andreas,

Heat should be not a big problem with that module. I'm currently using one in my garage door drive. Until now it works very well. I'm using the Arduino IDE to program my ESP modules.

Vielleicht sollten wir mal einen Ostalb PHC IoT Stammtisch gründen :woohoo:


Peha PHC V3 seit 2017 (vorher V2 seit 2009) im Neubau - MCC - JRM - EMD - AMD - DIM - UIM - FUI - Module
IP-Symcon Smarthome Software auf Intel NUC mit Ubuntu 20.04LTS (Einbindung von PHC tlw. über Webinterface der V3)

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05 Apr. 2016 08:05 #11 von Andreas
Andreas antwortete auf Wireless output/JRM module project
Hello Ansgar,

although I have an Easyclick 941-FU-C module (the only connected device is a window open contact) I'm searching for a module to control my good old Laserprinter. Because I don't print very often, it is normally switched off and I have to switch it on and off by hand every time I want to print something.
Now I'm searching for a cheap solution to control the socket of the Laserprinter with OpenHAB. An Easyclick adapter is very expensive and an IP powerbox also. What I especially need is to have a local push button or switch to control the socket locally without an app.

The ESP8266-WiFi-Relay-V3 seems to be the solution for that. It seems to have some inputs and a 230V relay.

PHC STM V2, EMD,AMD,JRM und DIM-Module, Wind, Regen und Sonnen-Sensor, Visualisierung mit OpenHAB
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: ansgar75

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21 Apr. 2016 00:11 #12 von simonjo
simonjo antwortete auf Wireless output/JRM module project
Just to let you know this topic is still under construction :cheer:

After a colleague made a first non-SMD PCB it was time to make some corrections... It has been a while since I did this (about 20 yearsj) but it is fun putting it all together on a 50x50mm footprint.

Now waiting for components to arrive from China and then finalizing the PCB for the prototype, maybe we can go for an SMD layout but that would require 2 layers. Seeedstudio Fusion offers 10 PCB's for $9.90 but also takes 4 weeks or more to arrive :(

Just adding the current schematic and board designs for now.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Jürgen, ansgar75

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28 Apr. 2016 23:55 - 28 Apr. 2016 23:58 #13 von simonjo
simonjo antwortete auf Wireless output/JRM module project
Still waiting for components, but enhanced the design to 4 inputs + 4 outputs (or 2 rolladen) B)

PCB layout complete, pushed everything in the 50x50mm space, hopefully we get a prototype during the weekend
Letzte Änderung: 28 Apr. 2016 23:58 von simonjo.

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02 Mai 2016 14:34 #14 von Andreas
Andreas antwortete auf Wireless output/JRM module project
Hello Jo,

thanks for the status update.


PHC STM V2, EMD,AMD,JRM und DIM-Module, Wind, Regen und Sonnen-Sensor, Visualisierung mit OpenHAB

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03 Mai 2016 20:26 #15 von simonjo
simonjo antwortete auf Wireless output/JRM module project
Et voila, with a little help from a colleague who made the PCB and provided some components ad interim...

I placed the Wemos 8266 on the bottom together with the SMD components, the larger components are on the top side. The led is on the wrong side for now.

Also notice the blue 3D printed cover to protect against accidental contact with 220 volts.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: ansgar75

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