xPhcLog, log events on the PHC module bus

22 Sep. 2018 22:13 #91 von apollon9
Hello Jo,
i try to catch some messages from my PHC 952JRM while interacting with its wirelless enocean gateway (941FU) - but everything seems confusing. I have a digitus RS-485 adapter, not sure if it is sufficient to catch up with bus speed.
Maybe your script could help a lot to read, understand, and later send "fake" messages to the shutter controller pretending to be the wireless gateway.
I could not download your script from the forum, perhaps you may attach it again or send me a private message?
Many thanks!

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24 Sep. 2018 11:02 #92 von simonjo
Hello Leonhard,

Here is the latest xPhcLog for Raspberry PI, just unzip it and run:

./xphclogd.raspi -?

This will show you the options for selection com port or external IP/RS485 convertor.

mvg, Jo

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24 Sep. 2018 22:56 #93 von apollon9
Hello Jo (& perhaps others),
thank you very much in advance - unfortunetely, i cannot load the attachment, i only get a message by this website that "the requested content cannot be loaded". This is the same with all of your attachments while i can see those of others (pictures).
Is there any other way you could send me the script?
Best regards,

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24 Sep. 2018 23:37 #94 von simonjo
You are right, I cannot see my own attachements.... maybe the forum admin should take a look at this !?

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25 Sep. 2018 15:22 #95 von Jürgen
Of course the admin could take a look ... :)

I tried to open the attachment (message from simonjo - 24.09. 11:02) - and I could download it.

It's a fact, that there are not all File-Extensions are allowed. But for example .ZIP is a valid extension. I just added a .RASPI-Extension for you (please test it).

Could you work with this or are there any other problems that I didn't understood?


"The quiter you become the more you are able to hear ..."
(PHC STM V3, EMD, AMD, JRM, Netatmo-Wetterstation - Visualisierung mit OpenHAB)

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25 Sep. 2018 18:28 #96 von apollon9
maybe i was just too dumb! I always clicked the button containing tie "i", which is obviously just a preview... no preview with zip files! The "kinked letter" icon should be clicked instead.. :-D
Thanks, everyone!
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Jürgen

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16 Nov. 2018 07:14 #97 von Biland
Hello guyx. since aprox one year I had a Problem and I don*t find the root cause...
My xphclog runs well but a few hardware switches creats trouble. If I swicht one of these switches my PCH system crashes and no switch work until I reboot the complete PHC System.

Here is an Example of the logfile:
In the End of the logfile you can see, that after switching the switch on "imd.1.in2" there is no feedback on output module.
Did sombody know whats wrong here?
2018-11-16,07:06:22,00090000,A,version=,Jul 2 2018 2018-11-16,07:06:22,00090010,A,legend: 2018-11-16,07:06:22,00090011,A, o0=out0-7,o1=out8-15 2018-11-16,07:06:22,00090012,A, i0=in0-7,i1=in8-15 2018-11-16,07:06:22,00090013,A, l0=out0,l1=out1,l2=out2,l3=out3 (amd/ebd/dim) 2018-11-16,07:06:52,00010210,M,omd.1.out2.toggle 2018-11-16,07:06:52,00010240,M,omd.1.modAck,o0=69 2018-11-16,07:06:53,00010130,M,imd.0.in1.outlt1 2018-11-16,07:06:53,00010150,M,imd.0.stmAck 2018-11-16,07:06:53,00010210,M,omd.1.out6.toggle 2018-11-16,07:06:53,00010240,M,omd.1.modAck,o0=5 2018-11-16,07:06:57,00010130,M,imd.0.in1.outlt1 2018-11-16,07:06:57,00010150,M,imd.0.stmAck 2018-11-16,07:06:57,00010210,M,omd.1.out6.toggle 2018-11-16,07:06:57,00010240,M,omd.1.modAck,o0=69 2018-11-16,07:06:59,00010130,M,imd.0.in1.outlt1 2018-11-16,07:06:59,00010150,M,imd.0.stmAck 2018-11-16,07:06:59,00010210,M,omd.1.out6.toggle 2018-11-16,07:06:59,00010240,M,omd.1.modAck,o0=5 2018-11-16,07:07:01,00010130,M,imd.0.in3.ingt0 2018-11-16,07:07:01,00010150,M,imd.0.stmAck 2018-11-16,07:07:01,00010210,M,omd.1.out2.toggle 2018-11-16,07:07:01,00010240,M,omd.1.modAck,o0=1 2018-11-16,07:07:02,00010130,M,imd.0.in2.ingt0 2018-11-16,07:07:02,00010150,M,imd.0.stmAck 2018-11-16,07:07:02,00010210,M,omd.1.out3.toggle 2018-11-16,07:07:02,00010240,M,omd.1.modAck,o0=9 2018-11-16,07:07:06,00010130,M,imd.0.in0.ingt0 2018-11-16,07:07:06,00010150,M,imd.0.stmAck 2018-11-16,07:07:06,00010210,M,omd.1.out0.toggle 2018-11-16,07:07:06,00010240,M,omd.1.modAck,o0=8 2018-11-16,07:07:08,00010130,M,imd.0.in2.ingt0 2018-11-16,07:07:08,00010150,M,imd.0.stmAck 2018-11-16,07:07:08,00010210,M,omd.1.out3.toggle 2018-11-16,07:07:08,00010240,M,omd.1.modAck,o0=0 2018-11-16,07:07:16,00010130,M,imd.1.in2.ingt0 2018-11-16,07:07:16,00010150,M,imd.1.stmAck 2018-11-16,07:07:18,00010130,M,imd.1.in2.ingt0 2018-11-16,07:07:18,00010150,M,imd.1.stmAck 2018-11-16,07:07:19,00010130,M,imd.1.in2.ingt0 2018-11-16,07:07:19,00010150,M,imd.1.stmAck

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01 Dez. 2018 08:21 - 01 Dez. 2018 08:49 #98 von Biland
nobody any idea regarding my problem?

Here an additional log File ... in the first commands there is no Problem ... an in the last commands (another switch) there the PHC system crashes.

Warnung: Spoiler!
Letzte Änderung: 01 Dez. 2018 08:49 von Biland.

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17 Dez. 2018 22:31 #99 von simonjo
Did you try to remove xPhcLog from the module bus, maybe the HW you are using to sniff the data from the bus causes the problem !?

What type of HW are you using to read the module bus, is it an RS485 serial port or an RS232 port?

Just to try and isolate the problem


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20 Dez. 2018 12:50 - 20 Dez. 2018 12:50 #100 von Biland
Hi Jo and thanks for your Response.

I am using a Moxa Nport 5210a (two Port RS232 - IP converter).
The first port of the device I use for xwrc and it works fine.
The other port I want to use with xPhcLog. It works fine until I switch the button which is connected to imd1.in.2.

After switching this button, the PHC System crashes and I have to reboot the System.

What exactly do you mean with "Did you try to remove xPhcLog from the module bus, maybe the HW you are using to sniff the data from the bus causes the problem !?"

Thanks for your Support.
Letzte Änderung: 20 Dez. 2018 12:50 von Biland.

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20 Dez. 2018 13:24 #101 von simonjo
Removing xPhcLog from the bus... I mean physically disconnecting that second RS232 port from the module bus, that way you can find out if this is causing the hanging of the system, or maybe that specific module is some kind of defect.

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12 Jan. 2019 14:45 - 12 Jan. 2019 15:04 #102 von Biland
If I start PHCLog without connecting the RS232 Port of the MoxaNport with the PHC system the PHC system don't hang up.
Only if the MoxaNport is connected with the PHC system the PHC system hang up and don't work untilI I reboot the PHC system.

Is it possible that there is a wrong configruarion of the moxa?
My settings looks like this:
Baud rate: 19200
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 2
Parity: None
Flow/Dontrol: DTR/DSR
FIFO: enable
interface: RS-232
Oeration mode: UDP
Destination IP adress1: Beginn / End: / Port: 7111
Local listen port: 7111
Data packing lenght: 0
Delimiter 1: 00 (Hex) not enable
Delimiter 2: 00 (Hex) not enable
Delimiter process: Do nothing
Force transmit: 0
Letzte Änderung: 12 Jan. 2019 15:04 von Biland.

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12 Jan. 2019 15:26 #103 von simonjo
Was this problem always present or did it occur some time after you installed the connection to the second RS232 port?

I think there is a problem with grounding.
You connect the first RS232 to the STM, here you have GND/RX/TX.
Then you connect the second RS232 port, GND -> B- and RX -> A+, but B- and A+ are floating with respect to GND. So in fact you are creating some sort of shortcircuit because both RS232 ports are in the same device and have the same GND.

My best guess is that a separate MOXA port will work fine, as I have been using this for some years now without any lockups.

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12 Jan. 2019 15:45 - 12 Jan. 2019 15:52 #104 von Biland
Ok thanks for your feedback... the problem beginns after switching some switches. After I switched some swichtes for aprox 5-10 times the problem starts... first there was no reaction so I need to swichts again then the light turns off/on. After pressing the switch again 5-10 times, the phc system hang up.

the grounding problen could be the root cause. In the next step I will disconnect the Cable of Port 1 (for Xwrc) and will only connect the second port (for xphclog). So in this case the gronding problem should be solved. If the PHC system will hang up again there should be an other problem right?

Is it right that the local listen port an the port of the destination IP is the same?
Destination IP adress1: Beginn / End: / Port: 7111
Local listen port: 7111

Harald... I guess you are using the nport 5210 also right? Can you please send me your serial and operation settings of your Moxa Nport especially for the port of xphclog?
Letzte Änderung: 12 Jan. 2019 15:52 von Biland.

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12 Jan. 2019 18:03 #105 von haribo
Hi Biland,

I had similar problems with hanging of the PHC system when using different serial to usb converters.

After changing to the Moxa NPort5210 I have never seen them again. One port is connected to the serial interface (xwrc) and the other to the module bus (xphclogd). My system operates stable for over one year (and im using imd1.in.2 too).

Attached you will find my Nport-Settings.

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