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xPhcLog, log events on the PHC module bus
- Biland
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After Harald sent me the setting of his nport (thank you Harald) I adjust the settings of my nport to the same one.
After that I connected the nport with the phc system and started xphclog but after some actions of switches the system hang up again.
Then I removed the cable for xwrc from the nport and restart the phc system. Next I started xphclog again and toggled some swichtes. But then I was very surprised. There was no logging possible. Xphclog got no signals. Then I connected the cable for xwrc during xphclog was running and toggled some switches again. Now the system worked nice – no hang up – fine logging …
Even after a restart or reconnection of the cables the xphclog works fine and the PHC system didn’t crash.
But what was the root cause for the problem? I don’t understand the problem.
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- Biland
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On Openhab2 I have add an item like this:
I am sure that mosquitto is running well because I am using some Sonoff Wlanswitches by mosquitto too.
The log looks like this:
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I'm missing the publish entries in the logfile like these:
I think mosquitto doesn't receive messages vom xhpclogd. When you send commands with OH2 the status of the items is internaly updated.
You can trace mqtt with the following command:
If you only see messages from Sonoff you have to check your configuration.
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- Biland
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thanks for your feedback.
I try to trace mqtt and get following log:
Here some information regarding my setup:
Raspi 1: Xwrc and xphclog / IP:
; PHC logger daemon settings
; xPhcLogd has 2 logging modes: 0=raw, 1=enhanced, default=1
; raw : log each packet as it arrives, some packets may have one or 2 meanings
; enhanced : multiple packets are analyzed to determine the exact meaning
; xPhcLogd will capture logging data either via a serial port device or a UDP socket
; option 1: device to use for capturing, i.e. COM1, /dev/ttyUSB0
; connect serial port ground to 'A' wire of PHC module bus
; connect serial port RX to 'B' wire of PHC module bus
; option 2: listener socket to receive UDP packets from RS232-to-IP convertor
; connect RS232 port ground to 'A' wire of PHC module bus
; connect RS232 port RX to 'B' wire of PHC module bus
; make sure the convertor sends each byte it receives on RS232 side
; as a UDP packet to <locaddr>:<locport> without delay or caching
; xPhcLogd will apply default message decoding per module class as follows:
; class 0: default=imd, contains imd,imw,tab,et0
; class 1: default=uim, contains uim,utm,bwm,et1,mcc
; class 2: default=omd, contains omd,jrm
; class 3: default=amd, contains amd,fui,fu2
; class 4: default=ebs, contains ebs,ebr,ebd
; class 5: default=dim, contains dim
; This might lead to wrong output, so one can override specific module types, syntax:
; modules=<mod>.<addr> *[;<mod>.<addr>]
; Where:
; mod : imd,imw,tab,et0,uim,utm,bwm,et1,mcc,omd,jrm,amd,fui,fu2,ebs,ebr,ebd,dim
; addr : 0-31
; MQTT publish nodeid, identifies your PHC system, string upto 32 chars, default="xphclogd"
; used to compose topic in publish msgs:
; topic=<nodeid>/sta/<mod>.<addr>.<chn><nbr> ,data=0..255
; topic=<nodeid>/evt/<mod>.<addr>[.<chn><nbr>],data=<event>
; topic=<nodeid>/cmd/<mod>.<addr>[.<chn><nbr>],data=<cmd>[.<parms>]
; topic=<nodeid>/boo/<mod>.<addr> ,data=<boot-cfg>
; publish flags, bitwise OR of following values:
; 1: publish module status updates
; 2: publish module events
; 4: publish module commands
; 8: publish module boot info
; MQTT client settings for remote broker
; MQTT broker remote ip address, default=
; MQTT broker remote ip port, default=1883
; MQTT connect username if needed to connect to broker, optional, no default
; MQTT connect password if needed to connect to broker, optional, no default
; MQTT connect clientid used during connect to broker, default="CMqttcd/1.0"
Raspi 2: openhabian / IP:
On Raspi 2 there is running openhab with MQTT Binding.
# Define your MQTT broker connections here for use in the MQTT Binding or MQTT
# Persistence bundles. Replace <broker> with an ID you choose.
# URL to the MQTT broker, e.g. tcp://localhost:1883 or ssl://localhost:8883
# Optional. Client id (max 23 chars) to use when connecting to the broker.
# If not provided a random default is generated.
# Optional. True or false. If set to true, allows the use of clientId values
# up to 65535 characters long. Defaults to false.
# NOTE: clientId values longer than 23 characters may not be supported by all
# MQTT servers. Check the server documentation.
# Optional. User id to authenticate with the broker.
# Optional. Password to authenticate with the broker.
# Optional. Set the quality of service level for sending messages to this broker.
# Possible values are 0 (Deliver at most once),1 (Deliver at least once) or 2
# (Deliver exactly once). Defaults to 0.
# Optional. True or false. Defines if the broker should retain the messages sent to
# it. Defaults to false.
# Optional. True or false. Defines if messages are published asynchronously or
# synchronously. Defaults to true.
# Optional. Defines the last will and testament that is sent when this client goes offline
# Format: topic:message:qos:retained <br/>
#<broker>.lwt=<last will definition>
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- simonjo
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2) can you start xphclogd with extra parameter: --loglevel 0xFFFFFFFF
Put the logging here so I can check what is going wrong
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- Biland
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here is a log of my system:
And a log of my MQTT Binding of the Raspberry with Openhab:
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- Biland
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After uninstall an new installation of mqtt the status update of ligths in my OH works fine! Thanks a lot for your support!
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- Biland
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How can I adjust that xphclog will start automatical after rebooting my raspi?
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- haribo
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look at
and attached sample file (remove extension .txt).
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- Biland
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Long time go since I was active here. First I want to wish you happy eastern.
I hope that you or somebody can help me... on my Raspberry i have Update Openhab to Version 2.5 this means that the mqtt structure is a little bit different.
My Sonoffs are working find. Also i am able to switch on and off the lights of my PHC system by HTTP. But the status dont update by xphclog and mqtt. hope that you can help me....
Here are my settings:
; xPhcLogd has 2 logging modes: 0=raw, 1=enhanced, default=1
; raw : log each packet as it arrives, some packets may have one or 2 meanings
; enhanced : multiple packets are analyzed to determine the exact meaning
; xPhcLogd will capture logging data either via a serial port device or a UDP socket
; option 1: device to use for capturing, i.e. COM1, /dev/ttyUSB0
; connect serial port ground to 'A' wire of PHC module bus
; connect serial port RX to 'B' wire of PHC module bus
; option 2: listener socket to receive UDP packets from RS232-to-IP convertor
; connect RS232 port ground to 'A' wire of PHC module bus
; connect RS232 port RX to 'B' wire of PHC module bus
; make sure the convertor sends each byte it receives on RS232 side
; as a UDP packet to <locaddr>:<locport> without delay or caching
; xPhcLogd will apply default message decoding per module class as follows:
; class 0: default=imd, contains imd,imw,tab,et0
; class 1: default=uim, contains uim,utm,bwm,et1,mcc
; class 2: default=omd, contains omd,jrm
; class 3: default=amd, contains amd,fui,fu2
; class 4: default=ebs, contains ebs,ebr,ebd
; class 5: default=dim, contains dim
; This might lead to wrong output, so one can override specific module types, syntax:
; modules=<mod>.<addr> *[;<mod>.<addr>]
; Where:
; mod : imd,imw,tab,et0,uim,utm,bwm,et1,mcc,omd,jrm,amd,fui,fu2,ebs,ebr,ebd,dim
; addr : 0-31
; MQTT publish nodeid, identifies your PHC system, string upto 32 chars, default="xphclogd"
; used to compose topic in publish msgs:
; topic=<nodeid>/sta/<mod>.<addr>.<chn><nbr> ,data=0..255
; topic=<nodeid>/evt/<mod>.<addr>[.<chn><nbr>],data=<event>
; topic=<nodeid>/cmd/<mod>.<addr>[.<chn><nbr>],data=<cmd>[.<parms>]
; topic=<nodeid>/boo/<mod>.<addr> ,data=<boot-cfg>
; publish flags, bitwise OR of following values:
; 1: publish module status updates
; 2: publish module events
; 4: publish module commands
; 8: publish module boot info
; MQTT client settings for remote broker
; MQTT broker remote ip address, default=
; MQTT broker remote ip port, default=1883
; MQTT connect username if needed to connect to broker, optional, no default
; MQTT connect password if needed to connect to broker, optional, no default
; MQTT connect clientid used during connect to broker, default="CMqttcd/1.0"
Here are my items:
and an Item of Sonoff:
and the Thing for the Sonoff:
Bridge mqtt:broker:broker "MQTT" [ host="", port=1883, secure=false, username="openhabian", clientID="openhab" ]
Thing topic shelly-flur "shelly Flur" {
Type switch : Power "Licht" [ stateTopic="stat/sonoff-LichtEingang/POWER", commandTopic="cmnd/sonoff-LichtEingang/POWER"]
} }
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- Jan
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What MQTT binding of OpenHAB are you using?
I also tried to convert my setup to the new MQTT binding structure but didn't succeed. The asymmetrical structure of the command (>http and <mqtt) doesn't seem to fit in the new concept.
Therefore I installed the legacy binding MQTT (1.x) and kept the old structure and this works fine, also with OH 2.5. But I'm afraid that this old binding will not be kept/supported forever. So if somebody knows how to convert the PHC steering to the new MQTT structure I would be thankful.
Also, I don't know if you can use the old and new binding together.
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- Biland
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I hope you had a nice Easter.
After a few tries, I got it working.
Here my *.items / *.things (MQTT Binding 2.5.1):
Switch Light_GF_Kitchen "Deckenleuchte Esstisch" (GF_Living, Info) { http=">[ON:GET:] >[OFF:GET:]", channel="mqtt:topic:broker:peha-phc:DLESST" }
Bridge mqtt:broker:broker "MQTT" [ host="", port=1883, secure=false, username="openhabian", clientID="openhab" ]
Thing topic peha-phc "PHC" {
Type switch : DLESST "Deckenleuchte Wohnzimmer" [ stateTopic="myHouse/sta/omd.1.out.2"]
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- Jan
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Thank you very much for the example, with that I started to convert my OH2 setup to latest MQTT version.
I successfully created Type 'switch' channels but didn't succeed with the Type 'contact' channels (works only when I create them as a Type 'string'). Do you have an example for that?
Kind regards,
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I've tried to use xphclogd and was finally (after one week) successfull. This were my two pitfalls:
I use a Moxa nport 5210 for xwrc (port1) and for xphclogd (port2) I use the setup of Harald (thx for the input). The wiring was a bit tricky. This works for me: xwrc is connected to the upper right part of the STM 940 and port 2 is connected to the SPV lower left part. I only have connected the RX cable to the B connection as my XWRC on port 1 already has a GND connection.
The next part is the software setup. The locaddr is the ip address of the raspberry where xphclogd is running not the nport ip address. After that the software starts and logs the data from the phc system.
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