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- Biland
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Here some Information regarding starting command and the MoxaPort Setting.
Start command:
For the connection of Moxa and PHC STM 940 I used a interlink cable (Germany we call it “Nullmodem Kabel”).
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Can you start xWRC with following extra parameter: -loglevel 0xF00
This will generate a logfile in xwrc/log/xwrc_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.log (YYYYMMDD=date, HHMMSS=time)
Pls send this logfile to simonjo@telenet.be, I will look at it.
mvg, Jo
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I used the wrong cable the interlink cable was the wrong one. The configuration was the wrong one.
I thought that the pin configuration of the NPort corresponds to the STM-940 but it is a little bit different.
The pin configuration on the STM 940 is a little bit different than a normal SUB-D Port (Pin2 = TxD / Pin3 RxD / Pin5 GND, 0V).
So now the system runs very well and I’m very happy.
Thanks a lot for the great support!
Now I’m trying to program a script which switch on a light when the sun is going down and turn the light off when the sun rise up again.
Do you think that this scenario can be realised with this tool?
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Have a look at this topic on the forum:
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nach langer Zeit würde ich mich gerne wieder mit PHC und "SmartHome" beschäftigen.
Ich plane die Integration in openhab bzw. fhem.
In fhem habe ich testweise über simonjo's xwrc-System einen Ausgang eingebunden - funktioniert soweit.
Jetzt wollte ich mich mit xPhcLog bzw. PHC2UDP beschäftigen, da ich die Rückmeldungen des Steuerbusses einbinden möchte.
Wie im Projekt Raspi2PHC beschrieben setzte ich bislang auf meinem Raspberry Pi die serielle Schnittstelle (/dev/ttyAMA0) ein.
Für die Verbindung zum PHC-Systembus habe ich mir nun diesen USB - RS232 Konverter gekauft.
Leider verzweifele ich bei der Inbetriebnahme.
Um dem Problem näher zu kommen, versuche ich seit Stunden, zunächst einmal die funktionierende serielle Kommunikation über den RS232-Anschlusses des Steuermoduls via ser2net über /dev/ttyAMA0 einfach durch das Device /dev/ttyUSB0 zu ersetzen.
# alter Eintrag - funktioniert!
# neue Eintrag - funktioniert leider nicht

Der USB-Adapter wird vom raspbian erkannt:
Ich habe die Verkabelung bereits überprüft und diverse Male Pin2 und Pin3 auf dem D-SUB-9 getauscht - alles ohne Erfolg.
Ist mein Adapter kaputt oder kann er vom Typ her vielleicht nicht funktionieren?
Ich bin für jede Idee dankbar.
Gruß, Harald
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Mit einem anderen funktioniert die serielle Kommunikation zwischen Raspberry Pi und Steuermodul via RS232-Bus.
Die Kommunikation mit xPhcLog funktioniert leider immer noch nicht. Werde mein Problem in im xPhcLog-Thread weiter behandeln.
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I have a question ... I would like to install the Easyclick Interface (d 941 FU C) and some door / window sensors (D 450 FU FK) into my PHC System (STM 940) and my current visualization with xwrc.
Is it possible to read out the actual status of the door sensor and visualize the status with xwrc?
I would like to check my home if I am on work or in Holiday.
Next question is, if it is possible to activate a script which save the actual status of the sensors and inform me with an email if the Status changed from Close to open?
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What you could do is let the sensor open/close events turn another output off/on, i.e. a LED output on an input module by using some programming like this:
if (fui.0.in0.Oingt0) then imd.0.led0.on
if (fui.0.in0.Oout) then imd.0.led0.off
Then you can read the state of the led's
Alternative the STM has a notification mechanism but this is not implemented in xWrc, this is also used by the PEHA visualisation which costs around 600euro
2) I was working on a gateway that translates between the PHC modules on RS485, and MQTT on the other hand. With this gateway all events on the PHC modules are reported as MQTT msgs, which can be captured by OpenHab. With this gateway it is also possible to send commands to PHC modules from OpenHab, using MQTT.
This solution just trows away the STM
But for now I have no time to continue work on it
mvg, Jo
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simonjo schrieb: Alternative the STM has a notification mechanism but this is not implemented in xWrc, this is also used by the PEHA visualisation which costs around 600euro
do you have any info about the notification with FU modules? I use the notifications by my own software which is working very well, but for the FU modul I have problems to activate the notifications and to receive them.
Also I have problems with the binary (I have an STM V2) coding of the FU commands. Can you provide me with any information?
simonjo schrieb: 2) I was working on a gateway that translates between the PHC modules on RS485, and MQTT on the other hand. With this gateway all events on the PHC modules are reported as MQTT msgs, which can be captured by OpenHab. With this gateway it is also possible to send commands to PHC modules from OpenHab, using MQTT.
This solution just trows away the STM
But for now I have no time to continue work on it
This sounds great. But if you dont't have time to continue work on it, why not make an open source tool out of that?
Regards Andreas
PHC STM V2, EMD,AMD,JRM und DIM-Module, Wind, Regen und Sonnen-Sensor, Visualisierung mit OpenHAB
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I hope that you will find time to work on the Gateway. OpenHAB is a great Software and it would be verry nice to connect the PHC with OpenHAB.
@ Andeas: Do you realize a visualisation of the door / window sensors with xWRC?
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Biland schrieb: @ Andeas: Do you realize a visualisation of the door / window sensors with xWRC?
I don't use xWRC...
PHC STM V2, EMD,AMD,JRM und DIM-Module, Wind, Regen und Sonnen-Sensor, Visualisierung mit OpenHAB
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Only after activating an event, will the module send a message to the STM when a sensor on a channel does something.
It is not possible to get the state of a sensor as the FU module does not keep this state, the only thing you can do is look for messages on the PHC module bus, triggered by a sensor saying that it closes or opens and keep this state somewhere.
Another way to reach this is to use xPhcLogd which is connected to the PHC module bus. Best is to use an RS232 serial port (connecting gnd/rx to the RS485 A/B wires) as this is passive and does not interrupt the bus.
xPhcLogd can translate events on the PHC module bus into MQTT messages that can be captured by OpenHab or a dedicated MQTT client. It is possible that this translation is not yet 100% for the FU modules, but in that case we can help you out by analysing some logging and updating the xPhcLogd
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can you send me some Fotos from your Cable.
Thank you and regards
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nachdem Jo mir Fotos von seinem Kabel gesendet hat, funktioniert bei mir jetzt auch die Kommunikation zwischen STM 940 und Moxa Nport 5110.
Da ich von der derzeitigen Konfiguration der STM 940 kein Programm habe, weiß ich nicht wo welcher Schalter wo hinterlegt ist.
Die STM 940 ist konfiguriert und alles funktioniert über Lichtschalter und Rolloschalter.
Habe ich jetzt irgendwie die Möglichkeit die Adressierung der Schalter heraus zu bekommen.
Z.B. durch betätigen der Schalter und dann irgend ein Logfile dazu auszulesen.
Danke und Gruß
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simonjo schrieb: 1)
Alternative the STM has a notification mechanism but this is not implemented in xWrc, this is also used by the PEHA visualisation which costs around 600euro
Is that meanning that if i use xwrc -remmode 1 (xmlrpc) and a v3 STM, getting output status is not possible?
If yes do you plan to implement it?
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