
24 Aug. 2016 18:22 #46 von simonjo
simonjo antwortete auf Raspi4PHC
About the html code, you don;t have to escape &, <, > and space

<!-- Deckenleuchte Wohnzimmer -->
<a href="?ccmd=omd.0.out5.toggle&file=<?request file?>">
<img style="position: absolute; top: 118px; left: 510px;" src="/<?plugin alias?>/img/s.light.<?phc omd.0.out5?>.gif" title="Deckenleuchte Wohnzimmer" border="0">

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25 Aug. 2016 19:59 - 25 Aug. 2016 20:05 #47 von Biland
Biland antwortete auf Raspi4PHC
Thanks a lot for your help. The program runs very well but I can not start the program in background with the attached "&"
I use the following command:
./xwrc.raspi -httpport 9999 -httpaddr -remaddr -remport 8080 &

in the next row of the terminal I see:
[1] 2099
But then the program starts not in the background:
xWRC (Linux/RbPI) -- v3.3.0.9 -- Dec 8 2015 ----------- webInterface for PHC - =============================================================================== Running in demo mode Press CTRL+C to terminate xWRC

Is the something what I made wrong?
Letzte Änderung: 25 Aug. 2016 20:05 von Biland.

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25 Aug. 2016 20:18 #48 von Biland
Biland antwortete auf Raspi4PHC
Ohhhh now I have seen that the programm runs in the background with the command too after I press "ctrl" "C"
./xwrc.raspi -httpport 9999 -httpaddr -remaddr -remport 8080 &

Thanks a lot

Is there a posibility to creat a start script for starting xwrc togehter with booting my debian/raspian?

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29 Aug. 2016 08:41 #49 von simonjo
simonjo antwortete auf Raspi4PHC
Look at below link how to start xWRC on booting your Raspberry


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15 Sep. 2016 11:17 #50 von rust
rust antwortete auf Raspi4PHC

Sorry for the english (I'm from Belgium).

This is a very interesting topic! I'm going to order the material and try to get this working on my PHC installation.

I guess the newer Raspberry Pi 3 model B will also work with this?

I have the old "V1-Steuermodul", so I will need a RS232 to IP converter. I see some people are using the Nport 5110. Is this a good one? Are there alternatives?



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15 Sep. 2016 18:57 #51 von haribo
haribo antwortete auf Raspi4PHC
Hi Steven,

when you're going to build a raspberry based gateway as I described you can build the RS232 to IP converter with the software ser2net and the following hardware:

MAX3232 Serieller Port Modul RS232 auf TTL mit LED-Transceiver

It's working fine on my raspberry pi together with my old "V1-Steuermodul" and is much cheaper than a Nport 5110.

Regards Harald

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18 Sep. 2016 20:52 #52 von simonjo
simonjo antwortete auf Raspi4PHC
Hi all.

Please find below the newest version of xWRC, I updated the core files with new Windows, Linux and Raspi versions. The data files remain the same.

Support is added for newer output modules

regards, Jo
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: ansgar75, piet

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19 Sep. 2016 14:30 #53 von piet
piet antwortete auf Raspi4PHC
Hi Jo,

thanks a lot for the updated version of xWRC :)


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19 Sep. 2016 21:04 #54 von Jan
Jan antwortete auf Raspi4PHC

You can also use following USB-RS232 adaptor (togher with Ser2net of course).


I paid it 1,09 € but it cost now 1,32 € :unsure: (I cannot believe they can make something that works for that price and even ship it to home. Drawback is that that you might have to wait few weeks for delivery).

The cable I bought works fine under Windows10 but the default Linux driver did not work. I needed to download en compile the Linux driver and then it worked. This took me some investigation work.

Later I noticed that you can also buy a similar convertor but with Linux driver:


This one I didn't, try so I don't know if it works.

Kind regards,

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27 Sep. 2016 09:33 #55 von johnhess
johnhess antwortete auf Raspi4PHC
Hi guys!

Thank you for all this useful information, I just have 1 question that I can't seem to find an answer to :

How do you connect the RS232 port to the controller module?
I have a 941 STM and there isn't any port like this (On the front panel is a usb and some sort of PS/2 port), On top there is a place where RS232 is marked but you can only put in single cables. Do I need to put in individual cables and push them into the RS232 cable?
My controller module looks like this : www.elektroschakelmateriaal.nl/spree/pro...717_0.png?1455756035

Can someone help me?

Thank you

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27 Sep. 2016 11:46 #56 von simonjo
simonjo antwortete auf Raspi4PHC
Hi there,

You need to make following connections:

rs232Port.Gnd -> STMv2.0V
rs232Port.Rx -> STMv2.TxD
rs232Port.Tx -> STMv2.RxD

mvg, Jo

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27 Sep. 2016 12:08 #57 von johnhess
johnhess antwortete auf Raspi4PHC
Hi Jo!

Thank you very much for the quick answer.

Do you have any best practice on how to do that?
Just take a wire, connect to the STM and put it in the port and tape it?

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27 Sep. 2016 18:22 #58 von simonjo
simonjo antwortete auf Raspi4PHC
I would buy a female sub-D 9pin connector and solder the wires onto it, and hookup the other sides to the STM

Here is a description of the pins

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01 Okt. 2016 11:26 #59 von Biland
Biland antwortete auf Raspi4PHC
so after a long time I tried to work with my Raspi PHC visualization but it din't work.

My Problem is that the STM 940 don't react to the commands of my server.

So if I try to send the following command via the Virtual Command Line Interface is get a timeout und nothing happens.
I Use the nport 5110 and change all nessacary settings.
I hope that there is anybody how can help me.

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01 Okt. 2016 16:19 #60 von simonjo
simonjo antwortete auf Raspi4PHC
Here are the settings of my Moxa NPort5110, you can takeover the settings.

Just pay attention to 'Local TCP Port' in Operating settings, this should be the same as the -remport <port> parameter given to xWRC.

Can you tell me which parameters you are now using to start xWRC.

Most important parameters are:
-remaddr <ip-addr-of-moxa>
-remport <local-tcp-port-of-moxa>

mvg, Jo

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