xPhcLog, log events on the PHC module bus
- simonjo
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30 Dez 2020 20:32 #121
von simonjo
simonjo antwortete auf xPhcLog, log events on the PHC module bus
A new and exciting year to come...
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31 Dez 2020 12:44 #122
von ansgar75
Peha PHC V3 seit 2017 (vorher V2 seit 2009) im Neubau - MCC - JRM - EMD - AMD - DIM - UIM - FUI - Module
IP-Symcon Smarthome Software auf Intel NUC mit Ubuntu 20.04LTS (Einbindung von PHC tlw. über Webinterface der V3)
ansgar75 antwortete auf xPhcLog, log events on the PHC module bus
Hi Jo,
That seems to be very exciting. ESP32 controlled PHC System??
Let us know some more details.
Kind regards

That seems to be very exciting. ESP32 controlled PHC System??
Let us know some more details.
Kind regards
Peha PHC V3 seit 2017 (vorher V2 seit 2009) im Neubau - MCC - JRM - EMD - AMD - DIM - UIM - FUI - Module
IP-Symcon Smarthome Software auf Intel NUC mit Ubuntu 20.04LTS (Einbindung von PHC tlw. über Webinterface der V3)
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- simonjo
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31 Dez 2020 15:33 #123
von simonjo
simonjo antwortete auf xPhcLog, log events on the PHC module bus
Hi Ansgar,
I am experimenting with ESP32 an have made this prototype, based on the openHC RS485 design from Jorg.
This does the same as xPhcLogd, you can connect it in the module bus of your STM system and it will report events/status/commands via MQTT.
It has a webinterface to configure it and a webconsole that shows what is sent over MQTT, this is a webpage that is updated dynamically and shows the last 254 events.
Currently I am porting an implementation of unzip to decode the metadata stored in STMv3 so I can automatically determine the modules types needed to decode module bus packets (where you need to specify this in xPhcLogd).
The next step is to simulate an STMv3 or act as gateway. The part to interface with the PEHA System SW is working, it acts just like the real HW but then with version 3.30. Need to port the STM core functionality and test it.
I am experimenting with ESP32 an have made this prototype, based on the openHC RS485 design from Jorg.
This does the same as xPhcLogd, you can connect it in the module bus of your STM system and it will report events/status/commands via MQTT.
It has a webinterface to configure it and a webconsole that shows what is sent over MQTT, this is a webpage that is updated dynamically and shows the last 254 events.
Currently I am porting an implementation of unzip to decode the metadata stored in STMv3 so I can automatically determine the modules types needed to decode module bus packets (where you need to specify this in xPhcLogd).
The next step is to simulate an STMv3 or act as gateway. The part to interface with the PEHA System SW is working, it acts just like the real HW but then with version 3.30. Need to port the STM core functionality and test it.
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- ansgar75
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31 Dez 2020 21:15 - 31 Dez 2020 21:15 #124
von ansgar75
Peha PHC V3 seit 2017 (vorher V2 seit 2009) im Neubau - MCC - JRM - EMD - AMD - DIM - UIM - FUI - Module
IP-Symcon Smarthome Software auf Intel NUC mit Ubuntu 20.04LTS (Einbindung von PHC tlw. über Webinterface der V3)
ansgar75 antwortete auf xPhcLog, log events on the PHC module bus
Hello Jo,
That is really good news just before the year closes.
Did you base it on top of Tasmota core?
Mqtt is very good. So it will be easy to integrate it into mostly all Smarthome systems.
Stay safe and healthy!
Kind regards
That is really good news just before the year closes.
Did you base it on top of Tasmota core?
Mqtt is very good. So it will be easy to integrate it into mostly all Smarthome systems.
Stay safe and healthy!
Kind regards
Peha PHC V3 seit 2017 (vorher V2 seit 2009) im Neubau - MCC - JRM - EMD - AMD - DIM - UIM - FUI - Module
IP-Symcon Smarthome Software auf Intel NUC mit Ubuntu 20.04LTS (Einbindung von PHC tlw. über Webinterface der V3)
Letzte Änderung: 31 Dez 2020 21:15 von ansgar75. Grund: Mistake
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- simonjo
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03 Jan 2021 19:27 #125
von simonjo
simonjo antwortete auf xPhcLog, log events on the PHC module bus
Hi Ansgar,
Best wishes for the new year and good health to all of you.
My design is using FreeRTOS and my own cross platform framework as used for xphclogd.
I must admit that I use the same web interface as Tasmota, but this is just the HTML/Javacript part. The webserver itself is my own developed one with an upgrade to HTTP 1.1 and lower memory footprint.
Since my last post I ported the unzip implementation and now have a simple way to configure my module using the PEHA System SW 3.x.y.
Next step is OTA (over the air) upgrading, and ordering new updated PCB's.
Best wishes for the new year and good health to all of you.
My design is using FreeRTOS and my own cross platform framework as used for xphclogd.
I must admit that I use the same web interface as Tasmota, but this is just the HTML/Javacript part. The webserver itself is my own developed one with an upgrade to HTTP 1.1 and lower memory footprint.
Since my last post I ported the unzip implementation and now have a simple way to configure my module using the PEHA System SW 3.x.y.
Next step is OTA (over the air) upgrading, and ordering new updated PCB's.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: ansgar75
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05 Jan 2021 12:32 #126
von ansgar75
Peha PHC V3 seit 2017 (vorher V2 seit 2009) im Neubau - MCC - JRM - EMD - AMD - DIM - UIM - FUI - Module
IP-Symcon Smarthome Software auf Intel NUC mit Ubuntu 20.04LTS (Einbindung von PHC tlw. über Webinterface der V3)
ansgar75 antwortete auf xPhcLog, log events on the PHC module bus
Hi Jo,
Happy New Year!
Ah okay now I understand.
FreeRTOS seems to be a very interesting OS. I never tried it in my projects. Just normal Arduino and Tasmota.
Are you planning to sell your moduls in the future? Looking forward to receive updates on this project.
Kind regards
Happy New Year!
Ah okay now I understand.
FreeRTOS seems to be a very interesting OS. I never tried it in my projects. Just normal Arduino and Tasmota.
Are you planning to sell your moduls in the future? Looking forward to receive updates on this project.
Kind regards
Peha PHC V3 seit 2017 (vorher V2 seit 2009) im Neubau - MCC - JRM - EMD - AMD - DIM - UIM - FUI - Module
IP-Symcon Smarthome Software auf Intel NUC mit Ubuntu 20.04LTS (Einbindung von PHC tlw. über Webinterface der V3)
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- simonjo
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05 Jan 2021 14:41 #127
von simonjo
simonjo antwortete auf xPhcLog, log events on the PHC module bus
It is my intention to make the boards available to others, at the price of components and shipping.
Just a question, how do you flash Tasmota on your devices?
cu, Jo
It is my intention to make the boards available to others, at the price of components and shipping.
Just a question, how do you flash Tasmota on your devices?
cu, Jo
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: ansgar75
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- ansgar75
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06 Jan 2021 11:09 - 06 Jan 2021 11:13 #128
von ansgar75
Peha PHC V3 seit 2017 (vorher V2 seit 2009) im Neubau - MCC - JRM - EMD - AMD - DIM - UIM - FUI - Module
IP-Symcon Smarthome Software auf Intel NUC mit Ubuntu 20.04LTS (Einbindung von PHC tlw. über Webinterface der V3)
ansgar75 antwortete auf xPhcLog, log events on the PHC module bus
Hello Jo,
I'm very interested to integrate your boards in my system in the future.
Regarding your question about flashing Tasmota: I always use ESPTOOL on my Macbook to flash all kind of modules with ESP8266 chips.
In the meantime I use a number of Shellys, smart wall plugs and smart LED strips as well as sensors and so on based on Wemos D1 or NodeMCU modules.
To flash wall plugs and LED strips you need to solder some wires to the board. Thats sometimes a bit tricky. Shellys are easier to flash as they have already all necessary connectors on a interface reachable from outside. After the initial flash with Tasmota, I do all updates via OTA.
Tasmota is great. So I can use action URL's from PHC system to turn the devices on and off for example or dimm the LED strips by just pushing a wall switch.
Kind regards
I'm very interested to integrate your boards in my system in the future.
Regarding your question about flashing Tasmota: I always use ESPTOOL on my Macbook to flash all kind of modules with ESP8266 chips.
In the meantime I use a number of Shellys, smart wall plugs and smart LED strips as well as sensors and so on based on Wemos D1 or NodeMCU modules.
To flash wall plugs and LED strips you need to solder some wires to the board. Thats sometimes a bit tricky. Shellys are easier to flash as they have already all necessary connectors on a interface reachable from outside. After the initial flash with Tasmota, I do all updates via OTA.
Tasmota is great. So I can use action URL's from PHC system to turn the devices on and off for example or dimm the LED strips by just pushing a wall switch.
Kind regards
Peha PHC V3 seit 2017 (vorher V2 seit 2009) im Neubau - MCC - JRM - EMD - AMD - DIM - UIM - FUI - Module
IP-Symcon Smarthome Software auf Intel NUC mit Ubuntu 20.04LTS (Einbindung von PHC tlw. über Webinterface der V3)
Letzte Änderung: 06 Jan 2021 11:13 von ansgar75.
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- Jan
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06 Jan 2021 12:06 #129
von Jan
Jan antwortete auf xPhcLog, log events on the PHC module bus
Hi Jo,
I'm also intrested in your developments
And I'm also using some Tasmota devices. Managed to flash some over-the-air with Tuya-convert, others I had to open, solder wires and were flashed with Tasmotizer.
I'm also intrested in your developments

And I'm also using some Tasmota devices. Managed to flash some over-the-air with Tuya-convert, others I had to open, solder wires and were flashed with Tasmotizer.
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- simonjo
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11 Jan 2021 22:08 - 11 Jan 2021 22:19 #130
von simonjo
simonjo antwortete auf xPhcLog, log events on the PHC module bus
Hi Guys,Ok, the OTA upgrade is working fine and the new PCB's just got ordered in Singapore... will take about 4 weeks to arrive.
This gives me sufficient time to cleanup code, do additional testing and write some documentation.
Cheers, Jo
This gives me sufficient time to cleanup code, do additional testing and write some documentation.
Cheers, Jo
Letzte Änderung: 11 Jan 2021 22:19 von simonjo.
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- simonjo
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03 Mär 2021 10:36 #131
von simonjo
simonjo antwortete auf xPhcLog, log events on the PHC module bus
I have started a new topic "Phc2Mqtt" so it is easier to track this new project
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- xPhcLog, log events on the PHC module bus