peha phc rs485 bus

  • v12345vtm
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20 Apr. 2019 18:20 #1 von v12345vtm
peha phc rs485 bus wurde erstellt von v12345vtm

i made a rs485 to tcp bridge with an esp8266

i can send data to the rs485 bus , but i never recieve feedback .

my set up is : stm (with lan ) and each module is connected and also my 2 esp8266-devices...

( i actually made 2 rs485/tcp bridges ) 1 to send data and 2nd to log and check my data.

i made also a crc tool so i can make my own commands


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  • v12345vtm
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20 Apr. 2019 18:28 - 20 Apr. 2019 18:29 #2 von v12345vtm
v12345vtm antwortete auf peha phc rs485 bus
some pics of the setup

Letzte Änderung: 20 Apr. 2019 18:29 von v12345vtm.

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