; ; PHC logger daemon settings ; [phclogd] ; xPhcLogd has 2 logging modes: 0=raw, 1=enhanced, default=1 ; raw : log each packet as it arrives, some packets may have one or 2 meanings ; enhanced : multiple packets are analyzed to determine the exact meaning mode=0 ; xPhcLogd will capture logging data either via a serial port device or a UDP socket ; ; option 1: device to use for capturing, i.e. COM1, /dev/ttyUSB0 ; connect serial port ground to 'A' wire of PHC module bus ; connect serial port RX to 'B' wire of PHC module bus ;device=\\.\COM1 ;device=\\.\COM11 device=/dev/ttyUSB0 ; option 2: listener socket to receive UDP packets from RS232-to-IP convertor ; connect RS232 port ground to 'A' wire of PHC module bus ; connect RS232 port RX to 'B' wire of PHC module bus ; make sure the convertor sends each byte it receives on RS232 side ; as a UDP packet to : without delay or caching ;locaddr= ;locport=4001 ; xPhcLogd will apply default message decoding per module class as follows: ; class 0: default=imd, contains imd,imw,tab,et0 ; class 1: default=uim, contains uim,utm,bwm,et1,mcc ; class 2: default=omd, contains omd,jrm ; class 3: default=amd, contains amd,fui,fu2 ; class 4: default=ebs, contains ebs,ebr,ebd ; class 5: default=dim, contains dim ; ; This might lead to wrong output, so one can override specific module types, syntax: ; modules=. *[;.] ; ; Where: ; mod : imd,imw,tab,et0,uim,utm,bwm,et1,mcc,omd,jrm,amd,fui,fu2,ebs,ebr,ebd,dim ; addr : 0-31 ; ;modules=imd.0;imw.1;tab.2;et0.3;uim.0;utm.1;bwm.2;et1.3;mcc.4;omd.0;jrm.1;amd.0;fui.1;fu2.2;ebs.0;ebr.1;ebd.2;dim.0 ; MQTT publish nodeid, identifies your PHC system, string upto 32 chars, default="xphclogd" ; used to compose topic in publish msgs: ; topic=/sta/.. ,data=0..255 ; topic=/evt/.[.],data= ; topic=/cmd/.[.],data=[.] ; topic=/boo/. ,data= nodeid=myHouse ; publish flags, bitwise OR of following values: ; 1: publish module status updates ; 2: publish module events ; 4: publish module commands ; 8: publish module boot info publish=7 ; ; MQTT client settings for remote broker ; [mqttcd] ; MQTT broker remote ip address, default= ;remaddr= ;remaddr= ;remaddr= ; MQTT broker remote ip port, default=1883 ;remport=1883 ; MQTT connect username if needed to connect to broker, optional, no default ;username=username ; MQTT connect password if needed to connect to broker, optional, no default ;password=password ; MQTT connect clientid used during connect to broker, default="CMqttcd/1.0" clientid=myHouse